Why is oxygen so important ?
Oxygen is supplied to skin cells. Skin elasticity is enhanced. Skin moisture is increased. Oxygen is a critical factor in the renewal process of epidermal skin cells, making it an indispensable precondition to lovelier, younger-looking and more radiant skin.
When skin cells receive a regular supply of oxygen, metabolic processes function properly, skin cells are replenished and the skin looks smoother and more supple.
*By the age of 30, the amount of oxygen reaching skin cells has dropped by some 25%. By the age of 50, the amount of oxygen reaching skin cells has decreased by around 50%.
Cecedille were made from New Generation Oxygenating Protein, Pure stabilized Vitamin A,C,E, Trace Element, Hyaluronic Acid, Oxide Reductase and Seaweed Collagen and based on a professional oxygen synthesizing technology. This precious skin care is one of the most efficient moisturizing and whitening product series.
Oxygen is the most precious natural element of life : plants, animals and of course human cannot live without it. Air contains 20% oxygen, water more than 90%!
A healthy person breathes 26,000 litres of oxygen in 24 hours.
One can live more than a week without food, a few days without water but no more than 5 minutes without oxygen.
Oxygenating Protein
(New Generation + 30% Amino Acid)
Double Action
Oxygenating + Anti-Age
Oxygen : a source of life
Oxygen is nature's most precious element. Without it, humans, plants, trees, flowers couldn't breathe. Being the essence of life, it is therefore essential.
Human body contains 62% of oxygen. Oxygen metabolism is called basal metabolism that is to say “fundamental”.
A healthy person breathes about 26 000 liters of oxygen within 24 hours ! We can live more than a week without eating, a few days without drinking but hardly 5 minutes without oxygen....
Without oxygen, the cells cannot breathe and consequently not live. A lack of oxygen even slight, can cause severe health damage or even more irreversible side effects.
Oxygen in a medical context
Many hospital departments use oxygen daily. As a matter of fact, the traditional hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy treatment involves intermittent inhalation of pure oxygen under a pressure greater than one atmosphere. HBO acts both mechanically due to its pressure component (hyperbaric oxygen chamber) and physiologically due to its oxygen component (inhalation of 100% oxygen).
It reduces oedema by about 50% in the post ischaenic muscle and in acute burns, it reduces fluid requirements by 35% in the first 24 hours... Extremely important is its stimulation of new capillary and collagen formation in radiated tissue, normalising tissue oxygen tensions to permit surgery, healing, and even bone grafting.
For example, Oxygen Mask has been used in french hospitals for the
following purposes :
• Skin preparation of future patients to be operated (surgery act) : application twice a day of oxygen mask on the parts to be treated. Objective : increase oxygenation rate to increase healing potential of scars.
• After surgery and when scars are dry : application of our oxygen cosmetics product to accelerate healing of the scars.
• Treatment of severe burning Oxygenotherapy cures were also used to improve patients' general health, enabling a better convalescence with an optimum recovery. For many years, oxygen has been used for topic therapy in plastic surgery, traumatology and severe burn injuries. As a matter of fact, the healing action of oxygen is indisputable. It is probably the best healing agent. (Its efficiency and inoffensiveness aren't competitive either).
New Generation Oxygenating Protein
An anti-age component with a double action.

*Source from: Soap, Perfumery & Cosmetics, The Significance of Skin Respiration and Its Measurement on Intact Human Skin by Henry Goldschmiedt, Ph.D., April 1963.